Elisa Manueke zmagovalec svetovnega pokala PGWCA s padalom Deck
21. January, 2018
Elisa Manueke iz Indonezije je v letošnji sezoni uspel zbrati najmanjše število nabranih centimetrov od tako imenovane palačinke. Svetovni pokal v natančem pristajanju je tako na koncu dobil prav on s padalom Deck, ki je znano po zelo lepem karatkerju pri “stall” hitrosti. Čestitke Elisi od celotne ekipe Triple Seven!
Queen winner of SerialCup 2013
9. September, 2013
At the last XC competition in Slovenia www.serialcup.com with 116 pilots and five out of five tasks Urban Valič won with his Queen glider. Urban was flying superbly winning three daily tasks. Until the fourth day Aljaž Valič was second overall and Primoz Susa at 5.th place but with some bad mistakes they slided down the ranking.
Queen že zmaguje
9. August, 2013
Le dober mesec po pridobitvi certifikata se z veseljem lahko pohvalimo s prvimi uspehi, ki so jih piloti dosegli pripeti na padalo Queen! Aljaž in urban Valič sta dodobra izkoristila letalne zmogljivosti Queen-a in najprej osvojila 1. in 3. mesto skupno na prvenstvu Triveneto v Italiji.
Gorsko letenje, Simon Čopi
23. January, 2013
Some photos Simon sent us from one of his hike and fly adventures with ROOK.
SerialCUP 2012
6. September, 2012
The epicness of this year's three task Serial Cup can be easily compared with last year's five task event. Besides of being a joyful flying and competitive experience for pilots flying serial wings, Serial Cup competition's main goal is to be educative.