First podium for the Rook 4!
9. July, 2024
Rook 4’s debut in the competition scene secured the first podium with our Hungarian friend Joe Szabo! After five tasks of consistent “Krushevo” flying, Joe was able to hold his 2nd position. Congratulations from the team. Results can be seen at
With the abundance of innovation implemented in our new Rook 4, we felt it was necessary to sit down with our designer, Aljaz Valic, and discuss all the main points of the design features in this new high-end B-wing. Join us in a YouTube video where we delve into the backend of the Rook 4
Rook 4 / Durable by Design, Lightweight by Nature
1. May, 2024
The Rook 4 boasts so many innovations that we were bound to work on it for the last three years. A lightweight hybrid with lots of new functionalities is now ready for you in sizes MS and ML. The rest are to be ready by the end of the month. Read more about the new