Both Thermik Magazin (in German) and Cross Country have been taking our new mid-B wing out for reviewing, and their conclusions are worth a read. As this is a News item in English we won’t go into much detail regarding the review in Cross Country (why spoil the excitement) but the Thermik conclusion is good enough to warrant a short translation:
“The Knight is precisely what it says on the box; a mid-level Intermediate with good handling and performance, very capable of XC flying. […] The Knight offers an above-average handling, more suited for pilots possessing some flying routine – these pilots will find this a great asset. In difficult conditions, like wind-blown or weak thermals, the pilot will have unusual amounts of (climbing) performance available to them. And speaking of performance: The elaborate construction, with extensive use of Nylon support and thin lines, is easily recognisable in the flying character, and particularly at higher speeds, where the wing is both very stable and has impressive performance”
The Cross Country review follows a similar line, although these guys found that the Knight would also be suited for pilots with more limited experience. From our point of view, the Knight IS indeed suited for newbies too, but it is probably true that it is more the kind of wing that suits the more playful and performance-oriented newbie than the careful, timid one. Try it and you’ll know if it is the right thing FOR YOU! The Cross Country review includes a box about the K-light too, something that makes their review particularly interesting for the weight-watchers.
You can find the XC magazine review HERE
and Thermik magazine review HERE