Flybubble Knight review
30. September, 2019
Greg from Flybubble made a nice video, reviewing the Knight from the materials used in the wing, to its flying abilities.
A queen 2 review from Cross Country Magazine
23. July, 2018
Our new website allows us the possibility to include independant reviews in our glider model pages. We’ve recently done just that; added a couple of links to Cross Country reviews which we know will be of interest to pilots trying to work out what is marketing and what is fact when it comes to our reviews the Knight – we like their conclusions
27. February, 2018
The Spanish paragliding website ojovolador, run by Claudia Riquelme and Dani “Pana” Crespo, had our new EN B Knight in for a full review. Although we’re much to modest to be the boasting/bragging kind, we still thought we’d share their conclusions: “Si la volamos tranquilos nos encontraremos con una EN B accesible y dócil, pero
Knight / K-light magazine reviews – don’t just take our word for it!
31. January, 2018
Both Thermik Magazin (in German) and Cross Country have been taking our new mid-B wing out for reviewing, and their conclusions are worth a read. As this is a News item in English we won’t go into much detail regarding the review in Cross Country (why spoil the excitement) but the Thermik conclusion is good
Knight and K-light – all sizes now certified
26. January, 2018
With the certification process now concluded for the S size Knight and K-light models we’re stoked to announce that both models are now certified and ready in all sizes. This is excellent news for the light pilots out there who have had to wait a little longer for their sizes to become ready – now
The Knight – video
26. September, 2017
We released the new video of the Knight glider. Specifications, beautiful imagery and much more so sit back and enjoy the ride.